That's the only way CCEX does business. No automated answering machines, no maze of gate-keepers. Our clients can always speak directly to a CCEX team member by phone or email, around-the-clock. At CCEX, your peace of mind is our top priority. If you need help, we will contact you the same day, so you can get right back to business.
Our core values center around building outstanding customer relationships. Our employees are hired not only for their technical expertise, but also for their customer relation skills. These are not your typical computer geeks! Available 24/7 via telephone or email, communication with our representatives is always comfortable and efficient.
In this business, there is no substitute for experience. Our technical force averages 10-years of industry experience and 3-years of recognized manufacturer training. The management staff averages 20-years of technology business experience and practice. CCEX is a business leader in providing financial incentives to all employees to encourage continuing education.
Reviews (2)
Julia M. Braun
Jun 18, 2020
Capitol Computer is very helpful. I walked into their office without giving them advance warning and they were immediately able to talk to me and give me advise on what to do with my laptop that was having monitor issues. They gave me realistic advice and pointed me in the right direction. I appreciate service places that treat you honestly and don't lead you on. They were very informative and helpful.
Kwesi Andoh
Nov 15, 2019