You've invested a lot of money for that Mac. Isn't it about time you make that computer pay back what it owes you? Don't be comforted by the years of experiences. There's always something you can know. Self defeating behavior doesn't get you that pride of knowledge, but just being taught how then practicing over and over.
We have 12 years of deep mac tech support. 6,200 hours of training on various mac software and hardware support. The credentials extend way before Mac got popular again. The pedigogy of training is easy and understanding. There's never a dumb question. But if you need tech support, Mouse Mechanics can do that too. We concentrate on software issues and some hardware. But we do have knowledge of wireless networks, printers, networks.
But do consider your options. But Mouse Mechanics would defiantly be the right choice. Appointments that would fit most schedules.
Served areas
- Southwest Michigan
Highlights and features
- Tech Support for Macs.
- System Upgrades
- Group Trainings
Reviews (1)