Tek-Geeks was created with the idea of providing computer services and support in a more personal, affordable way. We utilize our combined technical knowledge, experience, and natural aptitude and passion for technology to provide IT services and solutions to Home and Small Business Owners. Our goal is to take the fear out of dealing with technology and the associated techno-babble, and provide easily understood information and solutions so that the customer is comfortable with the whole process. So, whether it's a single home computer, or a network of workstations and servers, we'll service I.T., we'll support I.T., we'll get I.T. working for you!
Served areas
- Philadelphia, Bucks and Mongomery Counties in PA, Burlington, Mercer and Monmouth Counties in NJ
Highlights and features
- Computer Repair Service, Software Installations/Updates, Data Backup/Recovery, Computer Networking
Associations and certifications
- CompTIA A+ and Network+, Microsoft Certified Professionals
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