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At Home Computer Repair Full service computer repair shop. Everything from diagnosis and repair of personal computers to Technical Support for businesses.
Reviews (3)
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Mar 24, 2013
I needed a written estimate to repair my laptop for my insurance company. He told me it would be $30. He gave me this big speak about how he was going to write up this big estimate to replace my laptop because it was old. I told him I probably would not get a new one, because I have two more at home already. Well after 3 weeks and several phone calls later he finally got my estimate done.

I went in to pick up the estimate and my laptop and he said I didn't have to pay him for the estimate, but instead I should have him order me a new laptop and then I could pay him $240 to transfer my files to the new computer! I finally settled with my insurance company several months later, and I didn't get a dime for my laptop because of it's age.

So I decided to see if I could have my files recovered from the laptop, I picked it up and realized that this guy had taken my hard drive out of the computer, possible to insure he could get $240 out of me instead of the $30 he had originally told me. My husband was soooo angry when he found out, and I am worried what he did with my files.
Aug 21, 2012
Nothing irritates me more that incompetence and just the plain fact that someone couldn't deliver on a promise. My computer came in for a virus removal and left with more problems that it original had. Save yourself from heartache and a lighter wallet go somewhere else.
Tina Hughes
Feb 23, 2012
I brought a computer in for what they explained was a simple repair. Many weeks later and some anger phone calls later I got my ONLY computer back from them. Bleed me for 200 something dollars, told me all is well, and my computer should connect automatically to the internet when I got her home. No such luck , my computer still wouldn't sync to my internet.